Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sorry that it has taken me so long to contribute to my blog. Now that I am retired, it seems I am spending all of my time working on finishing off my degree. I hate to say it, but perhaps that adage "I've never been so busy since I've been retired" is perhaps true. This semester in printmaking is a new turn for me. I've never spent so much time working on a single print. So far it has taken up the entire semester, and promises to do the same for the balance of the semester. This image is based on a photograph taken in Alaska this past summer. It deals with global warming, and what may happen if we don't soon take it seriously. These are all monoprints tht I've used to work out the final design. Now that I have settled on that, I am now starting to experiment with different ways of etching to achieve what I want. Right now I am working on sugar lift. Needless to say since I am just beginning to work with it, nothing works out right. That's why I say it may take the balance of the semester to get this single print done.

This semester at UW-L marks a return to another of my passions - photography. Although Commercial Photography is not exactly my cup of tea, it is a requirement for my photography minor. Fortunately Dr. Grant, our instructor, has allowed those of us on the fine art side of things to be more expressive in our images. These are all shot with a 4X5 film camera, certainly the love of my image makers.