Sunday, December 17, 2006

At the end of this past semester I had the opportunity to participate in the "Pele Iron Pour" put on by Cam Choy, head of the sculpture department. These things are way too much fun. Lots of energy, excitement with the preparation of the molds, and tension with the presence of molten iron. We all divided up into four person teams and tooks turns getting a heavy bucketfull of molten iron from the blast furnace, and trying to hit the little bitty pouring hole in the mold. Some teams seemed to have put more on the ground than in the mold. That created immediate excitement as there was a scurry to throw dirt on top of the molten iron so as not to cause injury. I kept myself busy taking pictures (ugh, with a digital camera) and joined them into this collage. If you click on the image you should get a larger version which will allow a better look.


Blogger Unknown said...

love the photo collage of the iron pour. Nicely done.
there is really nothing like the Pele Iron is an awesome event!

7:23 AM  
Blogger S said...

Pretty hot Nels.

1:52 PM  
Blogger lachness said...

such a cool experience, agreed... great collage!
ps thanks for the great cookies again!

2:29 PM  
Blogger carly said...

nels, this is awesome. so were your cookies the other day.... thanks!

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cool idea! Love the design...seeing all the photos brings back memories of the day :0)

12:52 PM  

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